Quality Pool Construction is your go to company for pool care specializing in pool repair services. We repair all pool equipment and accessories including pool heaters, pumps, filters and salt systems. From minor equipment repairs to major ones, our staff has the expertise to handle them all. We use modern technology in our repair services that enables us to do our job quickly. Our company uses only top quality, warrantied parts.
Pumps and Motors
Pool pumps and motors are intricate systems that sometimes break down. If the pump or motor are louder than usual or making a strange noise, it is likely that it needs service. Our technicians have the expertise to find the mechanical issues with pumps and motors and fix them quickly. Let us get to the bottom of the problem before it gets worse.
Don’t let a leaky pool send your water bill soaring and continue damaging your pool. If you suspect that your pool has a leak, contact us right away. Our leak detection specialist will test all aspects of your pools integrity to discover the exact cause of the leak and recommend a course of action. Water can be a destructive force and we will make saving your pool our top priority.
If you happen to have a heated pool, your pool heater needs to be maintained to stay in good condition. If your pool heater won’t turn on or doesn’t seem to be heating the water as well as it once did, our technicians can help. We are familiar with all makes and models of pool heaters and will provide you with a solution to the problem. Let us get your pool water back up to the temperature you like.
Salt Systems
If you have a salt system on your pool, you know how important it is to keep the salt cell clean and operating at optimum performance. If you test your pool water and it lacks chlorine, you have a problem on your hands. Salt build up can also potentially cause issues with these systems. Don’t hesitate to call us to make a service appointment… Calling before your pool starts turning green will save you money and get your pool chemistry back in balnce quickly!
Other Repair Services
If it has to do with your pool, we can repair it. From fixing automatic chlorinators, pool controllers, and pool lighting to troubleshooting a poor water quality issue, our team has the knowledge and experience to assist you. Whether you have a minor problem that requires skimmer repair or valve replacements or a major problem such as leaks or green pool water, contact us. 480-707-7112